(Sunny維持我一貫save the best to the last的習慣,最後寫橘園)
The Musée de l'Orangerie, situated in the Tuileries Palace, is an art gallery dedicated to the Impressionism and the Post Impressionism paintings. Among the collections, the most important, stunning, amazing ones are, no doubt, the large scale water-lily and willow paintings of Monet.
In Paris, another famous landmark other than Eiffel Tower that pops into people's minds is definitely Musée du Louvre.
Montmartre, where we finally got to after all the unexpected adventures, has long been a place at which many artists gather since the 19th century, and like St-Germain-des-Prés, where many private studios locate. Around two years into his life in Paris, Monet started studying in a private studio in Montmartre and met Pissaro and Cézanne who also studied under the same teacher.
On top of the Montmartre hill, the highest point of Paris, sits the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur which could be seen even from afar. Unlike many other historical churches in Europe, Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, completed in 1914, is a few years shy of a century old.
Crossing the Pont Neuf, we turned to St-Germain-des-Prés for some drinks. With countless cafes, restaurants and tiny private studios, St-Germain-des-Prés has long been an area where many philosophers, writers and artists gather. The Impressionists, such as Manet, Degas and Bazille, were all once part of the chatty scenes in cafes here. Bazille even rented a studio near Les Deux Magots (a famous cafe).
位於Île de la Cité島上的巴黎聖母院據說是全巴黎最受歡迎的景點,每年參觀人數超過千萬人。
Located at Île de la Cité, Notre Dame de Paris is allegedly the most popular site in Paris, with more than 10 million people visiting per year.
Anyone who, like Sunny, is into the Impressionism might be able to tell that the title of this entry (Impression, Paris, Musée d'Orsay) is inspired by the famous Monet painting, "Impression, Sunrise".
Unlike many other artistic styles, Impressionism was born in Paris. Back then, the so-called Impressionists got apprenticeship in small studios in Montmartre in hope of making it to the Academie des Beaux-Arts and exhibiting their paintings at the Salon des Beaux-Arts.
Before the Impressionism, the dominating art style in Paris was the Renaissance. The more renowned artists would always have a space in the Salon exhibition regardless the quality of their pieces, while on the other hand, young artists, such as Monet, Renoir, Pissaro, struggled to enter the exhibition even with the most brilliant paintings presented. By the end, these talented artists got tired of the situation and also intended to develop their own style, and hence, the birth of Impressionism, which is named after the Monet's painting mentioned above, "Impression, Sunrise".
Ever since its earliest days, Musée d'Orsay has been considered the cathedral of the Impressionism, thanks to its large collection of the Impressionism art pieces.
(A peep of Musée d'Orsay from the other side of the Seine River)
"Oh~ Champs-Élysées~ Oh~ Champs-Élysées"
The widely known French song titled "Les Champs-Élysées" probably is the best evidence indicating just how famous the Avenue des Champs-Élysées is. After all, there are not that many songs using street names as titles.
The wide Avenue des Champs-Élysées stretching from Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde, is home to many name-brand shops and famed restaurants.
When talking about Paris, regardless whether they have visited the city before, to many people, the image of Eiffel Tower just pops out, largely comes from the fact that Eiffel Tower is so well-portrayed in many films setting in Paris.
協和廣場(Place de la Concorde)便是其中之一。
Despite its image as the most romantic city in the world, Paris had suffered from numerous wounds, largely contributed by countless wars and civil wars. It is very likely that every corner in the city has witnessed some cruelty in the past.
The Place de la Concorde definitely is one of them.
So far, I have posted information about the hotels we have stay in the past when possible. Paris makes no exception!
(因為某某人會看我的網誌,與其讓他用不精準的Google Translate,從現在開始,我應該會中英文併用吧。寫個網誌好像在交作業...)
Earlier, in my journey to Prague, I mentioned that Prague had always been my dream city to visit. When Mr. T asked me which city in Europe I would like to go, I said Prague without any hesitation.
Paris, rarely crossed my mind. However, it definitely surprises me in the most positive way ever!
(On the train from the airport to Paris)