

協和廣場(Place de la Concorde)便是其中之一。

Despite its image as the most romantic city in the world, Paris had suffered from numerous wounds, largely contributed by countless wars and civil wars. It is very likely that every corner in the city has witnessed some cruelty in the past.

The Place de la Concorde definitely is one of them.

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在協和廣場最顯而易見的地標,是聳立在中央的埃及尖塔。這個尖塔原位於埃及路克索神殿(Temple of Luxor)入口處,十九世紀時,由埃及掌權者送給法國,其後便佇立於協和廣場。

The landmark of the Place de la Concorde is, no doubt, the Egyptian obelisk placed at the center. The obelisk was once the mark of entrance of the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. In the 19th century, it was gifted to France by the then Egyptian viceroy, and has been standing at the Place de la Concorde ever since.

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Due to its Egyptian origin, when we visited the Place de la Concorde, a street artist disguised himself/herself as a mummy standing right beside the obelisk waiting for passers-by to show him/her some money!


Apart from the obelisk, the two fountains at the Place de la Concorde are also seen as two of the most important fountains in France. Each representing rivers and oceans, the architectural style of the two fountains is very much influenced by the fountains in Rome.

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Even though its modern name implies "friendship" and "harmony", the history of the Place de la Concorde is far from harmony. During the French Revolution, it was called Place de la Revolution. The overthrown king, Louis XVI, and his extravagant queen, Marie-Antoinette, were beheaded here along with 1342 more people during 1793 and 1795. Therefore, the square was later renamed as the Place de la Concorde, in hope that through such a bloody past, eventually people find the peace and harmony.

    創作者 Sunny Kuo 的頭像
    Sunny Kuo

    永遠的異鄉人--The Eternal Outsider

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