So far, I have posted information about the hotels we have stay in the past when possible. Paris makes no exception!
這次在巴黎住的飯店為Hotel Eiffel Seine,從名字約略看得出,飯店座落在靠近艾菲爾鐵塔的地方。從戴高樂機場搭乘火車RER B線,在St-Michel Notre-Dame換搭RER C線至Champ de Mars/Tour Eiffel站,步行約五到十分鐘即可到達。附近也有多條捷運線,算得上是交通相當便利的地點。
The hotel we stay in Paris, Hotel Eiffel Seine, is, as hinted in the name, very close to Eiffel Tower. From CDG Airport, taking RER line B toward city center and transferring to RER line C at St-Micehl Notre-Dame to the stop named Champ de Mars/Tour Eiffel, the hotel is only about 5-10 minutes walking distance from the said train station. With several metro lines around the area, it is convenient and easy to travel to other parts of the City.
Judging from the lobby of the hotel, one may boldly assume that it is of the modern minimalist style. A while ago, my friend, Phoebe, sweated to find a hotel in Paris simply because she loathes the classic decorating style.
和絕大多數歐洲的飯店一樣,Hotel Eiffel Seine的房間不大,但以簡約舒適為主的風格,讓房間不致顯得擁擠,而別有一種親密感。
Like most hotels in Europe, our room in Hotel Eiffel Seine is not quite roomy; however, the minimalist style prevents it from looking crowded, yet renders a cozy feeling.
At the corner, a comfortable couch is placed, where it is ideal for looking out of the window and daydreaming.
Looking out from our room, we could only see the courtyard. Although such might not be the most scenic, it also saved us from all the noises on the streets.
Limited by the space, the restroom is also quite tiny but with all the necessary facilities.
Overall, we really liked this hotel. Even though I didn't get to photograph this side of the room ('cause by then I had made the room quite messy), there is a reproduction of Klimt's painting hanging on the wall. The room doesn't come with complimentary breakfast. If it is intended, a guest may pay an extra 14 Euros a day to have breakfast at the hotel. It may sound a bit off, but as soon as one realizes that this is Paris, the city accommodating all the good food, and that wherever one dines, the chance that the food tastes bad is really slim, the idea of dining at hotel just doesn't seem so appearing any more!