

It took me so much time and effort to finish my previous blog entry regarding Musée d'Orsay, I felt compelled to leave my Paris journey aside briefly to write about my thoughts and information obtained for some art exhibitions I have been to.

I have mentioned that I am a big fan of the Impressionism, and my favorite painter is Monet. (I wrote very little about Monet in the said blog entry because I plan to further illustrate it in a later article.)



The Impressionism is, at some degree, the rebel of the Classical paintings, Renaissance and Baroque for which there was a fixed rule of color application, white is white, shadow is grey, human flesh shall be cream and so on. All such rule was broken by the Impressionists who, upon painting in the open air, found that shadows on a snowy ground did not look grey but a light blue color, and human skin actually reflected a spectrum of colors under the sun, such as orange, red or even green and blue. The long established rules of composition, lights and shadows and colors no long applied to them. Therefore, they sought the new techniques and revolutionized the painting concept.

By the end of the Impressionism, the so-called "Pointillism" was born. As the name suggests, Pointillists applied small dots with pure color to form a painting. Such time-consuming technique had prevented the Pointillists to complete their paintings in the open air; thus, they usually just outlined the painting and finished the paintings in the studio.


It is worth mentioning that although the Impressionists applied a shorter stroke comparing to previous painting styles, and Pointillism is seemly the offspring of the Impressionism, most of the Impressionism masters did not appreciate the Pointillism. Monet once even said "Nature has no dots."



When the Impressionists first exhibited their paintings at the exhibition organized by themselves, all the paintings were framed in white frames, because this was what the Impressionists believed to compensate the paintings the best. As time goes by, the original white frames were damaged and replaced by other frames. 



Couple days ago, I went to the exhibition of the well-known Austrian architect, Hundertwasser, and read an interesting quote of his: "Straight line is god-less." No wonder he used a lot of non-straight lines in his work! I will talk about it in later blog entries dedicated to Hundertwasser!

    創作者 Sunny Kuo 的頭像
    Sunny Kuo

    永遠的異鄉人--The Eternal Outsider

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