位於Île de la Cité島上的巴黎聖母院據說是全巴黎最受歡迎的景點,每年參觀人數超過千萬人。
Located at Île de la Cité, Notre Dame de Paris is allegedly the most popular site in Paris, with more than 10 million people visiting per year.
Île de la Cité島橫在賽納河中,因此從左岸便可看見凜然佇立的聖母院。
Due to the fact that Île de la Cité lies in the middle of Seine River, Notre Dame de Paris could be seen, from the left bank, quietly standing over centuries.
Completed in the 14th century through hundreds of years of construction, Notre Dame de Paris is one of the earliest gothic architecture and deemed the prototype of French Gothic Architecture. The seemingly symmetrical building actually incorporates some minor asymmetric details to avoid dullness.
Notre Dame de Paris might be the most illustrated cathedral in the world making its appearance in many well-known paintings. In my previous blog entry regarding Musée d'Orsay, I posted a photo of a series of paintings of Notre Dame de Paris by Monet which focused on the front main entrance of the church.
Same as other gothic architectures, Notre Dame de Paris is decorated with stained glass windows, among which the most spectacular ones are the rose windows.
When Napoleon was crowned emperor of the First French Empire, the coronation was held here in Notre Dame. (Click here to see the famous painting, The Coronation of Napoleon, owned by Musée du Louvre)
A mass was conducted while we visited Notre Dame de Paris. Usually, most churches prohibit or only allow very limited visitation during masses, but Notre Dame de Paris permits visitation with the exception of only the area conducting the mass. The conduction of the mass truly rendered a holy sense of feeling to the basilica.
Along the side walls of the church, carved wood artworks tell stories from the Bible.
There is also a statue of St. Joan of Arc who was canonized in 1920.
To most of us, churches, like temples, are divine. However, I don't know whether it is because Paris is too overwhelmingly romantic or what, a couple who were in Notre Dame de Paris with us just kissed each other passionately therein.
Anyone who is interested may get on top of Notre Dame de Paris to breath the air up there, but before one enjoys such, the pre-requisite is to climb more than 400 steps upward. When Mr. T and I saw the long line waiting to ascend and gave the 400 plus steps a second thought, we were defeated by our laziness and called it quit.
We strolled to the garden behind Notre Dame de Paris where it is ideal for casual strolling, sitting down for some rest and admiring the architecture of Notre Dame de Paris.
電影《美味關係》中,有一幕Julia Child和她的夫婿Paul Child在公園裡散步聊天的畫面,就是在這裡取景,可以看見他們身後的聖母院唷。
In the movie "Julie and Julia", there is a scene where Julia Child and her husband, Paul Child, strolled down a garden chatting. It is actually filmed from this garden, so Notre Dame des Paris could be seen just right behind them.
The best location to view the famous flying buttresses of Notre Dame de Paris is from this garden. The exposing flying buttress is one of the characteristics of gothic architecture and so named because it looks like the flying arch line.
Since it is a gothic cathedral, inevitably, there are gargoyles.
從聖母院往西走,直到Île de la Cité島的尖端,聯繫島與賽納河兩岸的便是新橋。
West of Notre Dame de Paris, almost at the tip of Île de la Cité, Pont Neuf lies there connecting the isle to the two banks of Seine River.
In spite of its name, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris.
From the park under the bridge, we could see the tip of the isle (where accessibility is barred by fences waist high).
Walking back to Pont Neuf through the staircase, the bright blue sky and the light struck me as a form of eternal peace.