
Hotel Roffaello 1.jpg在羅馬住的飯店Hotel Raffaello,一如以往,是由麻煩先生在網路上仔細研究之後訂的。這種很多碎花的風格,雖然不是我偏好的類型,不過這家飯店地點非常好,離最近的地鐵站,走路約只需五分鐘,步行至羅馬競技場也只需不到十五分鐘,極為方便!

As usual, Mr. T booked the hotel we stay in Rome, Hotel Raffaello, after carefully researched on-line. Although the decoration is not really my favorite, the location is superb. The closest metro station is only 5 minutes away, and the Colosseum is within 15 minutes walking distance.

Hotel Roffaello 2.jpg廁所雖然小巧,不過應有盡有,淋浴間還有按摩水柱噴嘴,在羅馬的幾天裡,拼命走路逛景點,累掛了的Sunny自然試用了一下這個按摩水柱。嘿~很舒服唷!雖然不知道是否真的有啥特別功效...

The restroom, though not spacious, has everything necessary. The shower is equipped with massage shower heads. During our stay, we had been walking a lot trying to see as much of the city as possible, so I, of course, tried the massage shower! It is quite comfortable, even though I am not sure if it has any special effect...

Hotel Roffaello 4.jpg廁所裡,真的讓我覺得有趣的東西,是這玩意兒...


What interested me in the restroom was this toilet-like thing. It might look like toilet, but it is actually for rinsing the bottom part of the body. That's what the shower gel setting aside is for! It's the first time I've seen this in a hotel bathroom. It's at the same time pretty thoughtful and amusing to me...

Hotel Roffaello 3.jpg除此之外,附的灌洗用具挺齊全,該有的都有,但也沒什麼驚喜。

A very standard shower kit that comes with everything needed but nothing special.


The decor of the dining area for the complimentary breakfast is, once again, not the style I prefer, but cozy and comfortable.




The breakfast buffet is tasty but the selections are, by no means, ample. Another issue for me is that the buffet selections remain the same throughout our stay, so on the fourth day, I was sort of tired of the breakfast...

However, cappuccino there was pretty good.


不過我還是必須很誠實地說,Hotel Raffaello對Sunny而言,有個致命的缺點,就是隔音不夠好。雖然因為城市歷史悠久,建築物較老,很多歐洲的飯店都有隔音的問題,但不知是否我們運氣好,我一向很少注意到這一點。可在Hotel Raffaello,淺眠的我有好幾晚在睡夢中被吵醒,甚至有一回是因為外頭街道上垃圾車收垃圾的聲音而驚醒!我實在不明白,為什麼垃圾車會在三更半夜收垃圾,而且還搞個三四十分鐘....


IMG_0013.jpg Overall, Hotel Raffaello is a decent hotel, though nothing really special; however, the great location really makes it stand out.

Notwithstanding, I gotta say that Hotel Raffaello has a huge drawback for me. The walls at the hotel were so thin that I could hear the conversation of people in the room next to us. I was awaken a couple nights by noises of other guests and even once by the garbage truck collecting garbages. I seriously had and still have no idea why they are collecting garbages in the middle of the night...

Maybe things like this are just part of the charm of the city!?

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    Sunny Kuo

    永遠的異鄉人--The Eternal Outsider

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