Kulin 1.jpg Sunny雖然之前在美加住了很多年,甚至在全美最多墨西哥裔居住的洛杉磯念書,不過當時我一直非常非常不喜歡墨西哥菜。一部分的原因可能是我不喜歡Taco餅皮,另一部分原因是在某方面仍維持相當台式口味的我,不太能接受煮成鹹口味當正餐吃的「豆類」,對我來說那是甜點啊!!!應該是甜的!!!

我對墨西哥菜的喜愛,是從麻煩先生還住在Reston的時候開始的。當時的住家附近有一家不錯的墨西哥餐廳Uncle Julio's,成天生意都一級棒,Frozen Margarita更是一絕!尤其他們周間每天從下午兩點直到晚上六點以前是暢飲時間(Happy Hours),Margarita一杯只要五美金,我們經常趁著麻煩先生早下班時,便跑去那兒享受Happy Hours。


Living in North America for almost a decade, including more than one year in Los Angeles, the city with most Mexican population in the States, Sunny had not been fond of Mexican food. Part of the reason is that I did not and still don't like the Taco pastry. Also, contributed by my somewhat still very Taiwanese taste, I really had problem taking beans as part of the main dish. To me, beans are DESSERTS and supposed to be sweet!

However, I started growing to appreciate Mexican food when Mr. T was living in Reston, where a pretty good Mexican restaurant, Uncle Julio's, conveniently located within walking distance of our place. Uncle Julio's is really popular, with good ambiance and awesome Frozen Margarita which costs only USD$5 at Happy Hours (weekdays 2pm-6pm), so we often went there for some Happy Hours whenever Mr. T got off work early.

In Vienna where Mexican community is quite small, Mexican food is not such a hit, but we still managed to find some decent ones!

Kulin 3.jpg 其中一家,是位於七星街(Siebensterngasse)的Kulin。

上週末和朋友Chanteuse在外頭晃半天之後,我先是提議去吃墨西哥菜,曾經到Kulin喝過幾次小酒的她,則建議我們到Kulin吃吃看。Kulin最令人無法抗拒的應該就是Frozen Margarita(上圖), 這是我第一次在維也納喝到Frozen Margarita,其他餐廳多半只有Margarita。

食物我則點了Enchilada con Chilli con Carne(右圖),Kulin的作法很有趣,不同於一般常見卷成條狀的Enchilada,Kulin則是將玉米餅皮攤平,和辣牛肉chilli醬層層疊起,最上面再加上乳酪下去烤,最後淋上酸奶油。吃起來的感覺其實比較像墨西哥口味的千層麵,算蠻新奇的吃法,口味也不錯。

One of them is Kulin on Siebensterngasse.

Last weekend, after strolling around with my friend, Chanteuse, I suggested us have some Mexican food for dinner, and she recommended us to try Kulin where she had been to for some drinks before. What allured us the most at Kulin is definitely its Frozen Margarita which I had never found else where in Vienna.

I ordered Enchilada con Chilli con Carne for dinner. The way Kulin made it is totally different from the usual rolled up Enchilada; instead, it is a plate of layers of corn tortilla and beef chilli covered with cheese and baked, with sour cream. It actually tastes more like the Mexican flavor lasagna to me. After all, it is pretty tasty and quite an interesting dish!

Kulin 2.jpg Kulin餐廳兼酒吧,因此整體裝潢自然是走比就hip的路線。不過Sunny受鏡頭限制,沒拍什麼餐廳本身的照片。


Kulin, a restaurant/bar, is decorated with the hip, trendy vibe. However, restricted by my fixed lens, I didn't take photos of the interior of the restaurant.

Most of the entrees are about 13 euros, alcoholic drinks about 8 euros, pretty good price for Vienna's standard. Kulin also offers special drinks Monday through Thursday during Happy Hours for cheaper prices as well!


Restaurant information:


Address: Siebensterngasse 14, Wien 1070

Website: click Here


不過其實我和麻煩先生最喜歡的,卻是離我家約幾條街遠的Los Mexikas!

Los Mexikas 2.jpg 店面看起來一點也不起眼,整個餐廳空間也不怎麼大,僅不到十五張桌子的Los Mexikas,店主是地道的墨西哥人,一踏進餐廳,內部色彩鮮明的裝潢,震天嘎響的墨西哥樂音流洩,充斥著明快歡愉的墨西哥氣氛。我很喜歡店裡的彩繪蜥蜴裝飾,不過...嗯...Sunny又只有一顆50mm的鏡頭,在小小的餐廳裡,實在是拍不了什麼裝潢啊!

But our favorite is still Los, Mexikas, a restaurant about a couple blocks away from our place.

Los Mexikas is very tiny and easy to be overlooked with no more than 15 tables in the whole restaurant. Owned by a Mexican family, Los Mexikas, with its bright-colored decor and loud Mexican music, is a whole lotta tropical fun! I am totally in love with the colorful lizards on the walls, but my 50mm lens made it a real challenge to photograph in this tiny restaurant.

Los Mexikas 3.jpg 吃墨西哥菜,我和麻煩先生自然是不會放過喝一杯Margarita的機會!我點的是芒果口味Margarita,而麻煩先生則是經典口味。芒果口味酸酸甜甜,喝起來酒味不重,但後勁十足,只有一杯酒量的我,在回家的路上,還真有種漫步在雲端的感覺!

Mr. T and I would never go to a Mexican restaurant without pouring some Margarita into our thirsty throats! Likewise, we ordered one Mango Margarita for me, and one Classic Margarita for Mr. T. Although it's hard to detect the alcohol in the sweet and sour Mango Margarita, it is actually quite strong. On our way back home, I, being my "one-glass-is-more-than-enough" self, was feeling like walking in the air.


Los Mexikas 1.jpg Los Mexikas的墨西哥脆餅有三種醬,分別是酪梨醬、傳統墨西哥騷莎醬和豆醬。三種都蠻好吃的,不過真要說的話,豆醬比較不合我口味,倒是騷莎醬讓我發現一件大驚奇的事情 -- 就是我現在竟然不怕吃洋蔥了!!!!



We got some nachos as appetizer which come with three sauces, avocado sauce, salsa and bean sauce. All three sauces are quite good but the bean sauce is less of my taste. The salsa sauce, though, made me find that I don't dislike onion as much any more!

Los Mexikas 5.jpg A finicky brat, I didn't eat onions, belly peppers and a lot of other food. When I first started cooking, I realized that onion is hard to avoid, so eventually, when it is very well cooked, I don't mind to have it in the dish, but salsa is another chapter, as it contains chopped uncooked onion! For me, being able to eat the chopped uncooked onion is definitely a BIG STEP!! Although there is still no way I could bite on a big chunck of onion...

主菜我和麻煩先生都點了Enchilada。麻煩先生點的是Enchilada de Mole,玉米餅雞肉卷淋上Mole醬,灑上生菜,再加上酸奶油、騷莎及酪梨醬,非常好吃。Mole醬是一種傳統墨西哥醬料,Sunny不知道中文是否有相對應的翻譯,吃起來有一點像燻過的肉醬,甜甜鹹鹹酸酸辣辣。

Los Mexikas 4.jpg 我點的則是Enchilada Rojas,和麻煩先生所點的,差別只在醬料不同,以番茄底的Chilli醬取代Mole醬。不過我們都一致同意,Sunny點的這到Enchilada Rojas比較好吃唷!

For entrees, Mr. T got an Enchilada de Mole. The chicken enchilada laying in a swamp of Mole sauce with salad, salsa, avocado sauce and sour cream on top is dilicious. I have no idea whether there is a translation for the traditional Mexican sauce, Mole, but it tastes a little bit like smoked meat sauce to me.

What I got was Enchilada Rojas which is similar to Enchilada de Mole, but has tomato chilli sauce instead of mole sauce. Mr. T and I agree that even though both dishes are good, Enchilada Rojas prevails!!


Restaurant Information:

【Los Mexikas】

Address: Langegasse 12, Wien 1080

Website: Click Here


不過如果是對墨西哥菜有點偏好,但又想省錢的話,則可以考慮Fresco Grill!有點像美國的墨西哥快餐店,Fresco Grill價格便宜,食物也有一定水準,我很喜歡他們的Taco Salad!!

For those who like Mexican food but would prefer to have some more economic choices, I would recommend Fresco Grill! It's kinda like Baja Fresh in America with reasonable price and above average food. I particularly like their Taco Salad!

Restaurant Information:

【Fresco Grill】

Address: Liechtensteinstrasse 10, Wien 1090

WebsiteL Click Here

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    Sunny Kuo

    永遠的異鄉人--The Eternal Outsider

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