
Wildwood Manor 14.jpg這次到聖璜島,因為只想悠悠閒閒地度假,我們捨棄了鬧區的旅館,而選擇了之前沒嘗試過的民宿Wildwood Manor B&B。一如過去幾次旅行,麻煩先生參考了TripAdvisor上的評價,選定這家頗獲好評的民宿,而結果更是超乎想像地好!

Having our mind set for a slow relaxing vacation on San Juan Island, we chose Wildwood Manor B&B, something we had never tried before, over hotels at more happening areas of the Island. Mr. T, as usual, booked this Bed & Breakfast based on the comments on TripAdvisor, and our experience here definitely exceeds our expectation!


隱身在樹林間的Wildwood Manor,是一幢淡黃色明亮可愛的三層樓(兩層半?)民房。在門口迎接我們的,除了民宿老闆之一,超熱情的Michael以外,還有幾隻常來Wildwood Manor覓食的野生鹿。

The ferry we planned to take at around 10:30am broke down, and we had no other option but waited at Anacortes harbor for hours for the next ferry at a quarter before 3pm. All of these made us finally get to Wildwood Manor only a few minutes shy of 5pm.

Wildwood Manor 1.jpg

Setting in the woods, Wildwood Manor is a bright yellow house. What awaited us at the front door were one of the owners, always smiley and super friendly Michael, and some deers that come by everyday for supper.


Wildwood Manor 4.jpg 房間裡的裝潢有種寧靜的舒適,也不知道是床真的太舒服,還是舟車勞頓累了,我和麻煩先生可真的是安安穩穩地安睡了兩個晚上!


San Juan Suite, the room we stay, comes with a private living room. The whole suite, decorated in blue and brown colors, renders an elegant yet homey atmosphere. The Suite is equiped with TV and DVD player, and guests could borrow from the big DVD collection downstairs. Based on Michael's recommendation, we watched "The Departure". Facing east, the Suite provides a wonderful view, including another island afar.

Wildwood Manor 6.jpg Be it the comfortable bed or our physical fatigue, we slept sound and tight for two nights over there.

However, the best part in the whole Suite to me has to be the spacious walk-in closet. Even though it is not my own place, no girl could resist the temptation of having a huge walk-in closet!!


Wildwood Manor 13.jpg 套房內以及整個民宿各個角落,都可以看到鳳梨的裝飾擺設,連小檯燈都是鳳梨形狀。Sunny出於好奇,忍不住問了Michael為什麼擺這麼多鳳梨。Michael說一方面是因為在美國文化裡,鳳梨有「歡迎」的熱情含意,所以一般人家門口放的腳踏墊也常以鳳梨為圖案(我好俗喔~竟然都不懂這個哩),另一方面則是因為來自夏威夷的Michael,藉此作為與家鄉的聯繫。我也告訴Michael,在台灣的文化裡,鳳梨表示「好運旺旺來」,會為他們帶來好運勢。

The tiny, narrow bathroom, though quite cozy, has everything a quest would need, even including make-up remover and sanitizer bag. All these details show how thoughtful the owner is. Upon check-in, we were warned by Michael that since they have to pump the water here on their own, it takes a few minutes to get the hot water hot. Honestly, it didn't bother us at all.

Wildwood Manor 17.jpg The Suite and everywhere else in the house are decorated with pineapple shaped items, even the lamp. I got curious and asked Michael why. He told me that in American culture, pineapple generally means "welcome" and that's why the doormat often has pineapple thereon (ha~ I guess I am quite ignorant about American culture for not knowing any of this). Also, the other reason is that Michael himself feels connected to his hometown, Hawaii, by having all these pineapples around. In return, I told Michael that in Taiwanese culture, pineapple brings one fortune and good luck!

Wildwood Manor的庭院也裝飾得極為舒適。

Wildwood Manor 7.jpg 餐廳側門外的露台,擺了桌椅,可以欣賞晨曦或夕照,我和麻煩先生也趁著早餐過後,在此稍事休息,曬曬太陽吹吹風。庭園中,有不少鳥兒穿梭來回,甚至還看到一隻蜂鳥。園中也設置了不少鳥屋,讓小鳥們安置安置。有趣的是,民宿裡養了兩隻高齡十四歲的貓--Goldie和Steelie。不幸身患絕症的Steelie因身體不適,動作緩慢,常常在家裡休息或和客人交陪聯絡感情,但同齡的Goldie倒是活跳跳,鎮日在庭院裡東奔西跑,埋伏小鳥(雖然都沒抓到)。


The garden at Wildwood Manor is also beautifully and comfortably decorated.

Wildwood Manor 16.jpg The balcony, with benches, chairs and tables, outside of the kitchen is a great place to sit around, enjoy the morning sunlight and sunset. One morning, after breakfast, Mr. T and I also had some quiet time here taking in the warm sunshine and breeze. Several bird houses are also set up in the garden for the birds residing nearby, among which we saw one humming bird! The funny thing is that two permanent tenants at Wildwood Manor are the two 14-year-old cats, Goldie and Steelie, owned by Michael and his partner. While Steelie, suffering from cancer, moves slowly and usually stays home to rest and host the guests, Goldie is still very energetic and we often saw him running around the garden chasing the birds (and always failed ).

Wildwood Manor 10.jpg Probably because they could detect the scent of another cat on us, Goldie and Steelie were really friedly to us. When we first got in, they came to greet us, and on the first night, after we came back from dinner, Steelie was waiting for us, followed us back to the room and stay in our private living room with us very briefly.


Wildwood Manor的餐廳寬廣,窗明几淨,我和麻煩先生喜歡坐在靠窗的四人座,看著遠方的島嶼籠罩在早晨的霧氣中,像雲海裡突出的山峰。


Naturally, as Bed & Breakfast, breakfast is included, and here at Wildwood Manor, breakfasts are such a feast that one should not pass!!

The dining room at Wildwood Manor is spacious with ample natural lighting. Mr. T and I prefer the table next to the window, where we could appreciate the island afar surrounded by the morning fog like a mountain peaking out of the clouds.

Wildwood Manor 12.jpg Every morning, Michael would write down the breakfast menu on the blackboard in the dining room. The breakfast usually contains appetizer, main course, salad, coffee and fresh juice, and the menu changes everyday!


The delicious breakfasts we had include:

Day 1

WM Breakfast -- Banana Blueberry Bread.jpgWM Breakfast -- Fresh Fruit.jpg 藍莓口味香蕉麵包及新鮮水果


Bluberry Banana Bread and Fresh Fruit.

WM Breakfast -- Quiche and Fresh Salad.jpg The subtle sourness of the blueberry and the light sweetness of the banana bread compensated each other and were really tasty.



The main dish of the day was Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella Quiche which was served with greens and strawberry with strawberry vinaigrette.

I really really liked the Quiche. The crust was crispy, and the mozzarella smelt wonderful and tasted perfect with tomato!

Day 2

WM Breakfast -- Lemon Panna Cotta.jpg WM Breakfast -- Fruit Salad.jpg 檸檬義式奶酪佐鮮橙藍莓及水果沙拉


Lemon Panna Cotta with Mandarins and Fruit Salad

The Panna Cotta is supper delicious!!! It is so smooth and tender, harmoniously sweet and sour, with mandarins and blueberry that I just couldn't resist!

WM Breakfast -- Aebelskivers with Crispy Bacon.jpg 當日的主菜則是球煎餅佐杏桃醬及鮮藍莓,另搭配酥脆培根。


The main course of the day was Aebelskivers with Apricot, Blueberry Sauce and Crispy Bacon.

Honestly, I am not fond of this dish. Bacon was a bit too hard and salty to me, and I was never a fan of pancakes; therefore, likewise, I don't really like aebelskivers (which is a ball shape pancake) either. The first few bites did taste fine, but I soon lost interest. However, overall speaking, breakfasts here are superb!


Moreover, some crakers and home-made chocolate chips cookies were provided on the table near the dining room for the guests. Mr. T and I took some of the chocolate chips cookies when we were going out, and the cookies were just so good that even I, usually not into sweets, wanted to have more!


As said above, this was our very first B&B experience but definitely leaves us great impression. Michael and his partner were so friendly that the whole stay felt more like visiting a good friend and staying overnight. At first, I thought it might be easy to be disturbed living in a house, but even though there were other guests, it was really quiet and peaceful that whenever I went down stairs for some water at night, I even worried that my footsteps might awake others!!


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